Stem Cell Therapy for Rejuvenation of Arthritic and Damaged Joints

Stem Cells are specialized cells that are able to receive signals from the other cells in your body. Stem cells then seek out inflammation and degeneration and go to that location to begin repairing tissue. Stem cells have been shown to help repair muscle, bone, cartilage and tendons. Research has indicated that stem cells can benefit a wide variety of health complications and may assist in individuals living stronger, healthier lives. You can now take advantage of stem cell therapy at Advanced Therapy Center of Delray Beach in Delray Beach FL!
How does stem cell therapy work and what do they do?
Stem cells are our body’s natural internal repair system. In short, stem cells seek out damage in the body and work to regenerate damaged tissue.
Where do the cells come from?
These human umbilical cord stem cells are collected from hospitals across the US. The mother signs a consent form, donating the umbilical cord blood to the hospital after the live birth of a healthy baby. Only cord blood cells from healthy mothers and babies are accepted.
Are there any negative side effects or contraindications?
In a very small percentage of patients, we occasionally see a minor reaction of flu-like symptoms. This does not last more than 24-28 hours maximum. This actually demonstrates the cells’ anti-inflammatory and immuneprivilege potential.
Who is a good candidate for stem cell therapy?
If you are looking for a more natural solution towards regenerating the body, we recommend you consult with a Regenerative Medicine Expert to discuss your specific issues.
What is the average cost?
The cost of therapy can range widely depending on the individual and their specific goals and needs. While stem cell therapy is currently not covered by health insurance, the average costs are actually much more affordable than people imagine.
9:00am - 4:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
9:00am - 4:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
9:00am - 4:00pm
Advanced Therapy Center of Delray Beach
15127 Jog Road STE 210
Delray Beach, FL 33446
(561) 498-1098